Work Vehicle exception to Ignition Interlock Requirement
An ignition interlock license is a license that permits one to drive during a period of license suspension resulting from a DUI arrest or conviction so long as the vehicle being driven is equipped with an ignition interlock device and SR22 insurance is in place. See RCW 46.20.385. Prior law required the device to be installed in ANY vehicle driven by the accused, and this undoubtedly resulted in quite a few folks being fired where their employment required the driving of a company car. Thus, the ignition interlock law has an exception. The law states: “The installation of an ignition interlock device is not necessary on vehicles owned by a person's employer and driven as a requirement of employment during working hours.” Thus, a license suspension due to a DUI arrest/conviction need not mean loss of job. However, the DOL does require proof that the driver falls within the “employer vehicle exception.” The law states: “The person must provide the department with a declaration pursuant to RCW 9A.72.085 from his or her employer stating that the person's employment requires the person to operate a vehicle owned by the employer during working hours.” The DOL provides a form (downloadable here) to be signed by the employer and filed by the driver, that must be filed with DOL in order for the driver to be approved to drive the employer’s non-ignition interlocked vehicle. The problem is that, as a practical matter, there will be some employers who will fire the driver when presented with the form simply because they now perceive the employee as an increased risk when driving a company vehicle. There is no doubt that the law providing for an employer vehicle exception is better than the same law without such an exception but as with most things, this law is not perfect. Avoiding this situation altogether is the best approach. Diana Lundin of our office focuses her practice on DOL administrative hearings and ultimately, upon the task of saving a client’s license from DOL administrative suspension and/or ignition interlock requirements.