The recent legislative tinkering with the law legalizing marijuana in Washington State, has increased the level of criminal consequences faced by anyone under the age of 21 who possesses marijuana. Recent legislation raised the crime level for minor possession of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a felony. As reported by Komo News, the bill's sponsor, Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, said the tougher penalty was designed to deter minors from trying an adult drug. "We have to send a message to our kids: This will hurt you in more ways than one if you decide to participate," Rivers reportedly said. Governor Inslee's office stated that this was not the Governor's intention when he signed the bill. The devil is in the details, as they say. Until the legislature can fix this problem, it will be up to prosecutor to "temper justice with mercy" when filing and prosecuting such cases and failing that, a good defense attorney will come in handy. Click here to watch a King 5 news item about legalizing marijuana and DUIs.
Questions? Call Jon Fox at (425) 274-9190.